Sunday, January 8, 2012

A new year, a new look!

Happy new year!
You may have noticed I've change the banner (and accompanying buttons etc). I feel this fits my aesthetic better. I hope you like it! I'm very happy with it.

I'm also changing locations! Physically, not electronically. You can still find me in the same places here, but in real life I am moving to Port Moody! Ben and I bought a townhouse!! We get possession this week and it's kind of unreal. We want to do a bit of painting & some work on one of the bathroom before we move in by the end of the month. I'll try to get some before & after's to share with you!

I'll also try to update here more often. It's been hard lately as I've been busy and my hands are bothering me again and I may have to have a talk with my rheumatologist about my medications sooner rather than later. Super lame! But I do feel neglectful so I'll try to remedy that.
So, be back soon!

Bob & Ben on New Years Eve


beca said...

Like the new look, stina! It's about that time for me too!

Stina G said...

Thanks love! I love the "new" look on your blog already, but it's always fun to do a "facelift" :)

K. said...

Yay, congrats on the townhouse!! Love the new blog design, it looks fresh and feminine and you chose some of my favorites for the header :)

Stina G said...

Thanks Kerry!!