Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lola for the Holidays

Ben and I (and Josephine and Penny) took care of Sarah's dog Lola for the holidays. She is such a cutie! She's an adopted love-mutt, they think she's a border collie x bull terrier. Josie wasn't impressed at first but they got along quite well for the week! It was fun having her around and we kinda miss her! She did a lot of sleeping in little dog beds (and under small, confined spaces!), waiting (for me to come home or get up [to feed her]),  and frenzied tricks for treats. She plays dead and it's pretty darn cute. She can get a bit frantic about treats though and one of her "play dead" 's turned into a roll-over and she kicked Josie in the face. It was pretty funny, though Josie didn't think so. She also had a crazy dream (chasing sheep?) and fell out of bed. It was good comedy.

waiting for me to get up while Ben makes coffee

waiting for the dogs' stocking to be opened

Come back soon for a visit, love!


Sarah said...

Wow, it looks like Lola had a very relaxing holiday visit with you and your dogs! She is so lazy. I'm glad that others now know the extent of her laziness. ;)

Stina G said...

Hahaha. It's too bad Ben didn't take any photos when they went on their hikes! I swear she got out and had exercise! :)

Brittany said...

Oh, she is so super cute!! I love the expressions on her face.

Also, I am laughing that my word verification is "honymeat" because it's alllllmost like "honeywild" but weirdly funny. ;o)

Stina G said...

She's such a goof!
That's hilarious! I like it. Honeymeat. Hmm. Sounds like honeymead. Yum.

Gale said...

hahahaha funny post. lola is so sweet. she reminds me so much of our black and white doggie, uno. especially at the eyes. uno wears the same black mask.. they could be cousins!

Stina G said...

She really is!! We love her. That's funny cause she's a bit unique looking! We might have lovingly called her cow dog once or twice <3 :)