Wednesday, November 30, 2011

i carry you in my heart

postcard by illuminantpale on Etsy

Hello friends! I miss you. I miss reading your blogs, your comments here, your irreverant conversation on Twitter... Between getting sick/going to a million appointments, getting a new job (now full-time) and looking for and trying to buy a townhouse, I feel like I've fallen off the face of the earth! I'm hoping that things will quiet down sometime soon (although I suppose that may not happen until after the holidays) and I will be able to try to catch up a bit and get into a routine again. Just wanted to say that I was thinking of all of you! I'll try to be back here soon with more to share.

(The title is from one of my favourite poems, i carry your heart by e. e. cummings, which always kinda makes me cry, but in a good way.)

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