Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Things I'm Loving Lately

These earrings I made recently. A bit hard to see in the photo, but they're made with sterling silver bubbly connectors and labradorite beads. So pretty! I'm trying to decide if I should order supplies to make more. They would retail for about $42. I suppose you'd need a better photo of them to give an opinion?

view treasury here
This gorgeous treasury featuring my new dino necklaces!

Sunrise Life Coaching 

I don't have an image for this one. I went to high school with the lovely Ashley. She is now a fantastic life coach, ready to help you kick-start things! I did an intro session with her a couple months ago before being set back by the arthritis flare-up. She was great at helping me figure out what was blocking my progress on things I wanted to do and helped me make a list of things to do to get started. What's really fabulous is that she does her coaching online and by phone, so you can benefit from her services no matter where you are in this wide, wondrous world. Check out her website here. Follow her on Facebook and/or Twitter for inspirational tidbits.

That's it for now!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute photo! I like how the earrings look both delicate but still have a bit of weight to them. And thanks for your sweet comments on my blog...I didn't even think to subscribe to follow up comments here but now I will haha!

Stina G said...

Thanks! Yeah, they're lightweight but have visual weight [how bout THAT? :) ].
Do you want me to tell you how to make a button, so you can have one on your blog for people to grab? Or would you rather I just put a plain link to you on my blogroll? :)