Monday, September 19, 2011

Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week - The Dogs

Petfinder has designated Sept. 17-25, 2011, as "Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week." You know I'm big into rescue. Less adoptable pets include black dogs and cats, senior animals or those with special health or behavioural considerations, and pit bulls [due to breed misunderstanding and prejudice (in my years of volunteering at shelters and grooming dogs I've been bitten by a shih-tzu, never a pitty)]. Here are a few of my favourite local cuties in need of a good home!

Ruby: staffy/pitty, spayed female, senior; happy, loving, outgoing; Vancouver, BC

Cherry: chihuahua?, tiny, spayed female, senior; sweet & needs lovin & tender care; Mission, BC

Cola: pitty x, spayed female, young; playful, sweet, "woo-woo's" for attention! [my Josie woo-woo's :) ]; Vancouver, BC

Amber: pitty, spayed female, 7 yrs old; wiggly, snuggler, good with other pets; Vancouver, BC


Anonymous said...

Aw that Cola looks like a keeper to me! I'm waiting a few more months till I get my dog though :( I know what you mean about the pitties though...when I volunteered at shelters, they always seemed so befuddled by those crazy small dog attitudes haha!

Stina G said...

I know right! She's gorgeous. She's a bit too much energy for our next dog, we'll be looking for someone older. If we had no other dogs she'd be more of an option :)

Yeah, big dogs are often befuddled by my sassy-ass shih-tzu/maltese Josephine, haha.