I fell in love with Caitlin Shearer's art a few years ago when I stumbled across her old Etsy shop, pepperminte. My two favourites of her work live in a double frame in my office. They're sexy. The most similar thing in her shop right now is this piece called "Boudoir," although I prefer mine: they're kind of sly, I think. Anyhow, I have more art (and want more art) than my walls could ever hold, so I am giving the two prints above away! They are 4" x 6". Sorry my scanner messed up the first image, it is not actually crooked. To enter just leave a comment on this post sharing something that makes you smile or laugh and please be sure to include your e-mail address so I can contact you if you win! The winner will be picked at random on Tuesday, August 30th.
Good luck!
what a sweet giveaway and i love the description of sexy-- we all need sexy and sly art (it's my fave!)
i got a mixed tape from a co-worker and listening to it makes me smile :) new music is my fave!!! (like how did i not discover lykke li ages ago?!)
thanks for the chance sweet girl!
Wow! these paintings are so cool...i hope i win! *fingers crossed*
whoops, forgot to include my email id
Micaela - so glad you agree! ;)
I'm with you on new music too, and Lykke Li! Have a few of her songs and they are AWESOME!
Looking Ahead - glad you stopped by! You forgot to tell us something that makes you smile or laugh though, and that's part of your entry! Hope you'll do so :)
Good luck ladies!
Very cool pictures!
The things that makes me laugh is my cat. She is an old grandma (about 12 years old) so she doesn't really do much. Sleep, eat, sleep again. But every once in awhile she will just go CRAZY and attack the corner of one of my rugs. Always the same rug. Always the same corner. She's silly.
Email is pipandpin @ gmail.com
the thing that makes me laugh is a cat at my office, she didn't have a home, came to our office and we play with her, and now she lives there :) very cute kitty
here is the picture: http://twitpic.com/60u69j
my email address is: ziviartmania(eta)gmail.com
good luck everybody!
Pipandpin, what a funny kitty! I love how they all have their own funny quirks and habits. She's living a nice long life!
Zivi, what a cutie! Lucky cat and lucky office! That's so sweet that she's moved in there.
Good luck to both of you!
These are so cute! What makes me laugh? A super genuine, deep felt laugh normally comes from animal sillyness. Like when they're running down the street, jowls flopping in the wind looking so happy! Or when you see a dog with it's head out someone's car window looking like it's the best moment of it's life! haha love it!
Kerry - totally!! Dogs make my day. My puppy makes me laugh SO HARD most days. She's ridiculous.
Thank you to everyone who entered the contest, I loved reading what makes you smile! The contest is closed and the winner will be announced shortly.
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