Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Liebster Award


The lovely Kerry from This Tinder honoured me with the Liebster Award the other day! Such a nice surprise. Kerry blogs about her paintings, life and shares awesome DIY projects. She's also super sweet! You should check her out :)

The Liebster is awarded by bloggers to other bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers to share the love. It comes with four conditions:
  1. Choose five up-and-coming blogs (with fewer than 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
  2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
  4. Share 5 random facts about yourself
My 5 blogs for you to feast your eyes & curious minds on:

Pro-Soup Propaganda: my good friend Brittany's blog. I met Britt through a penpal swap set up online by Susie of boygirlparty. Then she drove to Vancouver from Portland for the Etsy Craft Party & so we could meet in real life! We've both visited each-other in our respective cities since then. Anyhow, Britt is awesome and blogs about the lovely soap she makes, soup she eats and her many grand adventures!

ice floe: Dianne takes & shares lovely & sometimes haunting photos on her blog and makes very nifty jewelry!

Little Bright Studio: Amy makes great things like a "You are awesome!" badge and takes to die for photos. Just take a peek and you will see.

Night of bones: Lolo's blog is full of magic and mystery. She shares spooky photos and makes unique and sometimes spooky jewelry. Yes, I am seeing my trend of photo-takers & makers :)

wichser studio: Gale makes jewelry and just started a sweet-looking job in art & antique restoration. How cool does that sound?! She also recently shared a clip from Portlandia called "She's making jewelry now." Just fantastic.

5 Random facts:
  • I am currently in love with werewolves. For years it was all about vampires. Now it is "Bitten" by Kelley Armstrong, Bigby & Snow (Fables comics), Wolverine, "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio and "Furr" by Blitzen Trapper, Beauty and the Beast. Actually, that isn't true, it has always been Beauty and the Beast.
  • I feel guilty every time I: put compostables or recyclables in the garbage when I have no choice otherwise; get rid of a plant that isn't completely dead (ie: compost a poinsettia that's seen better days); don't finish a meal at a restaurant and don't take the rest with me (old fries, ick). I think rolling coins and putting the $ in my savings account counts for something.
  • I am a collector. Yes, that is the term I prefer ;) I keep homeless screws and too many plants and calendars for the pictures I will use for *something* at some point. I also have a magnet on the fridge that says "A clean house is a sign of a wasted life." In this case my life is, um, the opposite of wasted. I always mean to be more organized and would love to be, but something always seem to take precedence...
  • I am very caring and nurturing, generally, but I get really uncomfortable when people close to me are in pain or seriously ill. When I should be understanding and loving I am uncomfortable, sometimes irritable, I avoid dealing with it/them. I know this is probably bad for both me and my loved one but I haven't really improved in this regard in the past few years (ever?).
  • I am very Gemini, in so many ways. I can be obsessive about saving money: squirreling away coins, putting away money in labelled accounts for emergencies, trips, a new phone or whatever... and yet I will still go buy 3 new shirts I didn't need on a whim, or NEED to go to the thrift store.... I have drawers and files that are super organized, but I have clutter all over my desk and counters... It goes on. There are so many instances :) I try to embrace the madness....
I hope you found a new blog or two to follow and enjoyed reading my random facts! I'd love to hear a random fun fact about you :)

*images borrowed from & belong to the respective blogs


Gale said...

thanks so much for the liebster! i really enjoyed browsing all these fun blogs i didn't know about. i'm excited to follow them now-- thanks for the suggestions:D

also, great random facts about you. i could really relate to most of them, since i too am a, ahem, collector. it's not easy throwing away cool vintage packaging for an old tripod even if it is almost completely destroyed and is beginning to look like confetti in hopes of one day gluing it all back together again to use as decor in the office somehow.

and wolf like me is one of my favorite songs! i can't blame you for your new obsession. werewolves are cool.

thanks for sharing on this post!

Tori said...


Stina G said...

Gale, I'm glad you find them to your liking! And you are most welcome :) Seriously, your new job sounds so cool!! I am also so glad you said that about the tripod packaging. I feel much better already :D Haha.
Werewolves are sexy. And so is that song.

Tori, thanks! I'm honoured :)

Lauren said...

Thank you so much for including me! :) I'm honoured!
I've been checking out the other blogs too - apart from Di's as that one is already a solid favourite! And they're all great.
I love your facts too. Really interesting!

I've just got a package of vintage jewellery together for you - it'll be in the post tomorrow.


Stina G said...

Thanks Lolo (and no worries - love your blog! Your photos are the best).

Can't wait to see what you've sent me!! I love mail, and surprises :)