Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Things

Kitty in a paper bag, drinking from my pug mug from Britt, painted nails! (they lasted all of 2 days - sigh)


Malaika said...

Love the pug at the bottom of your cup! What a great smile-maker! :-)

Have a great day!

Isobel Morrell said...

Why do cats get into odd places, I wonder? Mind you, he/she looks very sweet!

Picked you up on Etsy Blog forum, and will be following you: hope you'll do the same for me by visiting and - hopefully - commenting and following too.

All the best with your Etsy life!

Stina G said...

Malaika, its a pretty fantastic mug! :)

Isobel, I don't know! They're pretty funny. She is very sweet, we quite like her :) She talks to us about her dinner, treats and rubs "mew mew mew!" I'll be sure to check out your blog. Thanks!