This is what I wish I were doing right now, just in case you were wondering. |
I've been busy and forgot about you! I'm sorry. I got the job at the pet supply store so between that and physio appointments and seeing family, I haven't had much down time. And I don't really have much now! I am heading out in a couple hours to run some errands, includig showing some new jewelry pieces to Dream. And I want to make a couple new pieces to bring and haven't had the chance! So I need to get going if that's going to happen. New job is good so far, the people have been really nice. And I've already been payed by them, after less than a week of work, whereas I am STILL waiting to be payed for those 2 days in August for the PHSA. Anyhow, I'll be back soon lovelies! xo.
Sounds like you're having a great day, Stina! Have fun visiting Dream. There are some Erin Templeton moleskin covers that I am in love with there!
I am so excited that you got a new job! and at a pet supply place! perfect!! Yay!
Sarah: I actually got up on the wrong side of the bed today, haha. Was pretty cranky/off most of the day. Oh well! Got some things done I'd been meaning to get to, so that was good. I often drool over Erin Templeton purses that I can't afford at Little Dream. Sigh.
Beca: Thanks! It's great for now at least :) Good to get out of the house, see new people & dogs and make some money. Yay!
Yay! Congrats on the new job!
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